Thursday, June 01, 2006

A bad training week...

Karen and I both had a bad training week - which ended with Karen on her butt and us both mad at the horses. So we both decided "We can't do this!" - so we spend the next week going over and over what we were doing currently, what we had done in the past few weeks, and what we planned for the future... and as it turns out, we shouldn't doubt ourselfs. We were doing it right - we just need to keep our head up and understand it won't all be smooth sailing!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Takin' it easy

Galahad is going for his first time as barefoot - I really hope this works out. But, since this is new for him, we are taking it easy and seeing how his feet do. We did just a walk around and a few trot steps on our last training - and we are working on paying attention to ME - not the gate (ohhh that gate - and dinner!).

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So - seems the last farrier I was using didn't know what the heck he was doing.... the feet did look spiffy and smooth when he was done, but he didn't make them even!

The new farrier we had come out yesterday said we were doing fine on the fungal infections - but that the feet were really dry. (Thank you to Karen who ran out and got us some moisture). We also talked about leaving Galahad barefoot - so we'll try it and see how he does.

As the farrier kept saying, "The horses will tell us".


So - seems the last farrier I was using didn't know what the heck he was doing.... the feet did look spiffy and smooth when he was done, but he didn't make them even!

The new farrier we had come out yesterday said we were doing fine on the fungal infections - but that the feet were really dry. (Thank you to Karen who ran out and got us some moisture). We also talked about leaving Galahad barefoot - so we'll try it and see how he does.

As the farrier kept saying, "The horses will tell us".

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sir Galahad & Gilbriar Abilene

So - we have to get Galahad mad about something (Dancer leaving, not being able to roll, dancer running) in order for him to canter on command. And he will only do it for a full circle in one direction. The other way I can get about 3 steps.

So now the question is why... is it a mental block? A physical sorness? Can he not see as well going in one direction? Or is he just being difficult?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Canter, Canter, Canter

So, all it took was a very long bath, and a little attitude from Galahad because I won't let him roll... and we have a canter on the lounge line (only in one direction - but I'll take it!!!).

Canter, Canter, Canter!

Back to work

Karen is home! Yea!

So we begin the training again. We pulled them out yesterday and put on the new bits. Galahad seems to like it (foaming, chewing, playing) - so now if I can just him to put his head in a good position. I am not fighting with him over the bit - we'll see if he gets it soon.

Karen attempted to some 'in-hand' work with Dancer - but she said it didn't go as well as she was hoping.

We decided to do a bath tomorrow - finally we have some nice weather. I'm sure Galahad will roll about 5 minutes later! We also decided to concentrate on one horse at a time this week and see if we can get some better results.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A logo?

With Karen on vacation - there isn't much training going on this week. I am taking Dancer out every day and doing her feet and lunging on the lead line a few times - and she is doing 100% better than the first day! (Her feet are looking better too).

I did let them both out for a few minutes the other day - just to run (they are stuck inside their pens right now due to fencing issues) - and of course, Galahad stood around trying to get to the hay, while Dancer ran... and ran... and ran.... and ran... and ran....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006